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Basic Concept of Combing Process | Types of Comber Machine

Basic Concept of Combing Process | Types of Comber Machine

Trishna Mondal Etu
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Studies B.Sc in Textile Engineering at National Institute of Textile Engineering & Research - NITER | Studied at Dhaka City College | Studied at Monipur High School & College
Trishna Mondal Etu
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Part 1: Basic Concept of Combing Process | Types of Comber Machine

Part 2: Lap Preparation | Sliver Lap Machine | Ribbon Lap Machine

Part 3: Production Calculation of Lap Former Machine

Part 4: Different Action of Combing Machine | Comber Waste in a Cotton Comber | Material Passage Diagram of Comber

Part 5: Production Calculation of Comber Machine

Basic Concept of Combing Process | Types of Comber Machine

What is Combing?
Combing is the process that removes the final proportion of short fibers, neps and others impurities such as vegetable matter and seed coat fragments in cotton that has already been carded. Combed yarns are superior in quality when compared to carded yarn as they are generally finer, stronger, smoother and more uniform due to the removal of short fibers and the alignment of fibers.

Task of the Combing Process : 

To remove pre-determined length of short fiber (noil%)
 To remove neps
 To remove remaining impurities
 To straightening hook fiber

Why Combing is Essential to Produce Fine Yarn

1. For finer count, high draft is required but short fiber create draft irregularity. After combing short fiber is removed for higher draft for the next step.

2. Longer fibers are finer than short fibers. After combing higher count is possible to keep minimum no. of fiber in yarn dia.

3. Long fiber yarn has less hairiness but more luster.

4. Combing is necessary for better yarn appearance and regularity.

Effect of combing on yarn and fabric quality

 Improve the spinning value of fiber
 Better twist distribution improve the strength of yarn
 Improve uniformity, smooth and luster of yarn
 Reduce yarn hairiness and imperfection
 Produce short trash free clear yarn
 Improve efficiency in the next process
 Improve yarn regularity & strength

Importance of fiber arrangement in card sliver

To reduce the strain to delicate comber reduce   
To reduce fiber damage
To reduce chance of good fiber waste
To reduce short fibers- To reduce thick and thin paces in the sliver
To control wastage   
To parallel and straight of fiber in carded sliver by changing pushing of fibers
Not freely opening of fiber from sliver

Conditions of stock preparation before combing:

  1. Fiber parallelization
  2. Even no. of passage between card and comb

Types of Comber Machine

Many different types of combers are used for different fibre materials, combers can be classified into following types:

  1. Rectilinear Combers (used for cotton)
  2. Circular Combers (used for worsted)
  3. Rotary Combers (used for spun silk)
  4. Hackling Machines (used for bast fibers)

Basic Working Elements of a Combing Machine

 The web rolled off from the lap (1) is pinched between the lower (4) and the upper clamp (5).

 The circular comber covered with combing segments (7) combs out the fiber beard that is protruding from the clamps. The short fbers that are now sticking in the circular comber are removed from the combing segments with a brush (8).

 Afer the combing action, the upper clamp rotates upwards. The clamps are now open. Upper and lower clamps swing around the pivotal point of the clamps (6) toward the detaching rollers (10). The detaching rollers grab the fiber beard and attach it to the previously combed fibers as a continuous fiber web. This action is called soldering.

 After soldering, the top comb (9) moves down into the fiber beard so that the detaching rollers do not pull out the web from the clamps during the detachment. With the transporting movement of the detaching rollers, the web is separated; this is called detachment. The detachment is supported by the clamps swinging backwards.

 Prior to the next combing sequence, the delivery rollers (12) transport the web forward through the open clamps at an adjustable feed rate. On closing of the clamps, the next combing sequence starts.

Part 1: Basic Concept of Combing Process | Types of Comber Machine

Part 2: Lap Preparation | Sliver Lap Machine | Ribbon Lap Machine

Part 3: Production Calculation of Lap Former Machine

Part 4: Different Action of Combing Machine | Comber Waste in a Cotton Comber | Material Passage Diagram of Comber

Part 5: Production Calculation of Comber Machine


Trishna Mondal Etu
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Studies B.Sc in Textile Engineering at National Institute of Textile Engineering & Research - NITER | Studied at Dhaka City College | Studied at Monipur High School & College
Trishna Mondal Etu
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Basic Concept of Combing Process | Types of Comber Machine|What is Combing|Task of the Combing Process|Why Combing is Essential to Produce Fine Yarn|Effect of combing on yarn and fabric quality|Importance of fiber arrangement in card sliver|Conditions of stock preparation before combing|Types of Comber Machine|Basic Working Elements of a Combing MachineLap Preparation in Combing | Sliver Lap Machine | Ribbon Lap Machine|Lap Preparation|Importance of Lap Former|Importance of Pre-comb Draft|Lap preparation method|Machine Sequence|The dimension details of sliver lap are given as follows|Ribbon lap machine and Super lap machine|Ribbon Lap Machine|Super Lap Machine|Effect of Lap Properties On Combing PerformanceDifferent Action of Combing Machine | Comber Waste in a Cotton Comber | Material Passage Diagram of Comber|Operational Sequence of Comber Machine|Nipping and Combing by cylinder Comb|Actions of Comber|Material Passage Diagram of Comber|Index Wheel|Diagram of Movement|Comber Waste|Methods of Improving Noil Percentage|Degree of Combing|Combing Efficiency|Effects of Change of Settings on Sliver Quality|Effect of comber setting on noil extraction|Factors influence the comber setting|Production Calculation of Lap Former Machine|Production calculation formula of lap former machine|Production Calculation of Comber Machine|Textile Study Center|
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